I tried to use it one day as an everyday knock off hermes birkin bags and it didn’t work out. Its a weird shape and as expected everything fell to the bottom.
But I discovered last night it was perfect as a party fake louis vuitton bags for sale. I was able to hold all my regular stuff, plus a pair of flat shoes in case the heels became to painful and I could stash my pashmina in there when we were at the bar. It took a little bit of fumbling to get my camera out, but no more then any similar bag. And the dark velvet was perfect for all the dark, jewel tone colors we are seeing everywhere this season. The best part is the cool braided handle, very similar to this one
As I started to look around for a new commuting louis vuitton graffiti bag, I returned to the basics. A Kate Spade Nylon Messenger bag. I had to laugh when I decided on that bag since I have wanted one since around 1999 when they first came out (I think) which was when I started working in Boston, and for the first time was exposed to fancy designer bags everyday as I walked down the street.
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